Trowbridge Plumbers

How Central Heating Works

Here at Trowbridge Plumbers we deal with a lot of calls about central heating and how it works, so we (being the helpful plumbers we are) thought we’d write a post on our website in the hopes that it might help you understand better how you central heating works. We’ll start at where the gas fir the heating comes into the property, this will be in a box away from your house, inside the box will be a pipe connecting the mains to your stop tap and then your regulator, which will have a meter on it that will measure your gas usage usually in cubic feet.

It goes from there to your boiler. All you need to know about your boiler, is that you shouldn’t be touch it unless to turn it on or off. From the boiler the water travels upstairs or just to a pump if you haven’t got an upstairs, the pump can be isolated for replacement. From the pump the water is pumped to your radiators around your house. Once the water is under pressure it will travel to a three way two port diverting valve which is a electrically operated valve that tells your water where it should be going. Then you have your cylinder or your hot water tank, this contains a coil that heats up the domestic hot water. Your general central heating works in a circuit.

To speak to someone about your central heating or to book a repair, call one of our trained office staff today and we’ll get you booked in or we could send someone out in a matter of minutes from your call.